
What affects labour compensation in Latvia?

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The Covid-19 pandemic and the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine have caused changes in the economy and labour market both in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe. What changes do we see in employment, unemployment, and compensation data in Latvia? This article examines the current labour market trends and analyses the determining factors of changes in labour compensation.

In short

  • The labour market has lost some of its workforce due to the pandemic.

  • The demand for employees remains high.

  • The compensation growth in Latvia is partly driven by a shortage of workers, which is further exacerbated by high inflation.

During the pandemic, the labour market has lost some of its workforce

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an increase in unemployment in Latvia. Employees with low qualifications or limited work experience are often at a higher risk to become unemployed when the labour market eases. These workers are also more prone to quit the labour market because they face greater obstacles in finding a job due to less choice of jobs. This is exactly what has occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic when the number of people willing to work in Latvia decreased (see Chart 1), reducing participation rates in several sectors, which were more affected by restrictions.

The decline in the number of people willing to work was particularly noticeable among the younger age groups, where employees typically have less work experience (see Chart 2). There are various reasons why individuals become economically inactive. Compared to the pre-pandemic period, there has been an increase in the share of individuals who choose not to seek a job due to either personal reasons, or education, or due to illness or disability.


The demand for workers remains high

There is still a high demand for employees in Latvia (see Chart 3). A significant number of entrepreneurs indicate that the labour shortage is a significant factor limiting production or business development (see Chart 4). Although in the services sector and manufacturing this assessment of the lack of employees has recently slightly decreased, it still remains high or is even increasing in the construction sector.


The labour market is currently 'hot'

The indicator characterising the “temperature” of the labour market (the ratio of vacancies to the unemployed, see Chart 5) shows that the labour market is currently tight. The total number of vacancies per unemployed person is about the level that has been seen before the financial crisis. At the same time, flows of employees from unemployment to employment are currently high (see Chart 6). The labour market has drawn resources from both the short-term unemployed and those who have been looking for work for a longer time.


There has not been observed a significant drop in labour market efficiency

The Latvian labour market, expressed through the lens of the Beveridge curve space, indicates that currently there is high tightness of the labour market (see Chart 7). However, there are no signs of a structural deterioration or a significant drop in the efficiency of labour market (see Chart 8).


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected economic sectors unevenly. Due to the restrictions, it was more difficult for workers in certain sectors  to find a job, as their qualifications were less in demand than before. As a result, the index of skills imbalances has been slightly higher in recent years (see Chart 9).


What determines an increase in labour compensation?

As the unemployment rate changes, so does the wage dynamics. If the unemployment rate is relatively low and there is a shortage of workers in the labour market, employers are forced to compete with each other, not only by offering higher wages in new job advertisements, but also by increasing the wages of existing workers so that they do not leave to work elsewhere [1].

However, the unemployment rate is not the only factor that determines changes in wages. It is affected by productivity and by how efficiently employers and employees find each other in the labour market. During the last year, it became increasingly relevant what the role of inflation in the wage determination mechanism was. To find out what the impact of these factors on labour compensation is and how it changes over time, we have assessed the wage Phillips curve model (see Chart 10).


The low unemployment rate contributes to the growth of wages in Latvia. After the financial crisis, there was relatively high unemployment in Latvia, which limited the increase in wages. In recent years, even despite the economic upheavals caused by the pandemic and the war, the unemployment rate in Latvia is low. As labour demand remains high, this puts significant upward pressure on wages.

Inflation reinforces wage growth. Since the financial crisis, the impact of inflation on wages has been relatively low. This can be explained by the fact that there are no automatic wage indexation mechanisms that translate to price increases in Latvia. Moreover, in environment of low inflation, of employees do not feel like demanding compensation for the real loss in purchasing power of wages. The increase in wages occurs due to the increase in skills and abilities of the employees, and is also driven by labour market tightness. However, the situation changed significantly when inflation in Latvia reached 17.2% last year. The importance of inflation in compensation growth has increased in the second half of 2022. Despite the fall in energy prices and the drop in headline inflation, there is a risk that the delayed impact of inflation on wage growth will manifest itself more strongly in 2023.

But the increase in wages is somewhat limited by the decrease in the labour market matching efficiency. In recent years, matching efficiency has been one of the factors dampening wage growth. For example, when the labour market is tight and the number of job seekers is low, it is more difficult for companies to find potential employees whose skills fully match the needs. Therefore, the hirings of new employees are accompanied by the trainings for specific skills, and this probably might be reflected in the lower pay.

How to improve the labour market?

Currently, the labour market is relatively tight and the demand for workers remains high, resulting in high vacancies and low unemployment. As inflation has overtaken wage growth, the real purchasing power of employees’ wages has fallen. Therefore, in the second half of last year, inflation has emerged as one of the main factors of wage growth.

This is essential to improve the labour market matching efficiency, both in terms of the labour market-appropriate education, practical skills and regional accessibility. Increasing productivity is significant both at the level of an individual company and the entire country. The (funds of the) European Union funds planned in the coming years can help here, ‒  a significant part of them is intended for digitization, research and innovation. However, we cannot rely on the fact that the increase in productivity will take place only within the framework of such European projects, local solutions of companies can also increase their productivity. As a result, the profitability of companies will increase, which will allow them to increase salaries and compete with other companies for the valuable resource of the Latvian economy ‒  the employee.


  • Shimer, R., (2005). “The Cyclical Behaviour of Equilibrium Unemployment and Vacancies”, American Economic Review, Vol. 95, No 1, pp. 25-49.
  • Arpaia, Alfonso & Kiss, Aron & Turrini, Alessandro (2014). "Is Unemployment Structural or Cyclical? Main Features of Job Matching in the EU after the Crisis," IZA Policy Papers 91, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  • Consolo un A.D. da Silva. Euro area labour market through the lens of the Beveridge curve, ECB Economic Bulletin, Issue 4/2019 The euro area labour market through the lens of the Beveridge curve (europa.eu)

[1] Wages are one of the main factors that affect an employee's desire to keep his current job or change it for another. The survey data show that almost half of the employees who are considering to change their jobs regard the opportunity to receive a higher wage as the main reason.

APA: Migunovs, A., Opmane, I., Bessonovs, A. (2024, 24. oct.). What affects labour compensation in Latvia?. Taken from https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/6007
MLA: Migunovs, Andrejs. Opmane, Ieva. Bessonovs, Andrejs. "What affects labour compensation in Latvia?" www.macroeconomics.lv. Tīmeklis. 24.10.2024. <https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/6007>.

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