
About us

About Macroeconomics.lv

Macroeconomics.lv is an economic analysis website created and maintained by Latvijas Banka for the use of researchers, lecturers, students, experts of public institutions, bank analysts, corporate managers and other observers of economic processes.

Latvijas Banka conducts broad macroeconomic analysis that serves as a basis for its monetary policy decisions and assists economic agents like the Parliament, the Government, businesses etc. in planning of their activities. This work is carried out by professional economists of Latvijas Banka and this website provides an overview of their achievements, highlighting what is most important and topical, including Latvijas Banka's forecasts regarding GDP and inflation.

Makroeconomics.lv is the website where you will be able to find the data on macroeconomic fundamentals, their analysis and working papers as well as read the views of Latvijas Banka economists concerning the developments in both Latvian and global economies. These analytical materials can also be of help to those who are studying economics or have a deeper interest in economic relationships and domestic and global developments.

A brief overview of the sections

  • Analytics – economic analysis in papers, presentations and commentaries to the latest data
  • Forecasts – Latvijas Banka's GDP and inflation forecasts
  • Blogs – Latvijas Banka economists share their observations concerning the macroeconomic developments there and are always happy to engage in a wider exchange of views
  • Economic indicators – latest data on GDP, inflation, unemployment etc.
  • Publications on macroeconomic subjects, the most important being the Macroeconomic Projections Report (formerly known as the Macroeconomic Developments Report)
  • Research – Working papers and discussion materials prepared by Latvijas Banka
  • Events – annual conferences held by Latvijas Banka; Expert Roundtable Discussions
  • For students – information on the Competition of Student Research Papers and on guest lectures at Latvian universities

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Access to and use of Macroeconomics.lv is regulated by the respective laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.


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The information herein is constantly updated and supplemented. Latvijas Banka may alter or remove all information or part thereof included herein without prior warning. Latvijas Banka is under no obligation to post information on this website in a timely manner and assumes no responsibility if it has not been done or done on time. The website may contain technical inaccuracies or errors.

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Commenting on articles

For the discussion of macroeconomic issues to remain business-like and constructive, when commenting please observe the following principles:

  1. use your social network IDs;
  2. you may remain anonymous, but your comment will be reviewed and approved by the web editor prior to publication;
  3. the following types of comments will not be published or will be deleted:
  • bearing no relation to the issues discussed in the publication;
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  • containing profanity;
  • morally inappropriate and improper;
  • impersonating another person.

The contents published on www.macroeconomics.lv reflects the opinions of the authors which may not always coincide with the Latvijas Banka position.

APA: (2025, 07. feb.). About us . Taken from https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2754
MLA: "About us " www.macroeconomics.lv. Tīmeklis. 07.02.2025. <https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2754>.