
Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-2011: The Case of Latvia

Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-20112/2013

Abstract: This research gives an overview of labour market internal and occupational mobility in Latvia comparing periods before, during and after the crisis. It uses both the labour flow analysis and the survival analysis to evaluate labour mobility and to determine factors influencing it. The analysis is based on labour force survey (LFS) longitudinal data for 2005–2011.

The paper investigates possible asymmetric responses of the labour market during the extreme period of economic boom and bust, provides detailed information on the aspects of labour market mobility (e.g. changes in the types of labour contract, sector and region of work) and factors determining changes in the status of economic activity (employed or unemployed). We also propose a new way for calculating labour market flows to provide information on quarterly changes.

JEL classification codes: J23, J61, J62, J64

APA: Opmane, I., Fadejeva, L. (2025, 23. jan.). Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-2011: The Case of Latvia. Taken from https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2592
MLA: Opmane, Ieva. Fadejeva, Ludmila. "Internal Labour Market Mobility in 2005-2011: The Case of Latvia" www.macroeconomics.lv. Tīmeklis. 23.01.2025. <https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2592>.

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