
The Effect of VAT Rate on Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Evidence from CPI Micro Data

The Effect of VAT Rate 2013_1Working Paper 1/2013

This paper evaluates the inflation effect of recent VAT rate changes in Latvia by using CPI micro data. Our findings suggest that the pass-through of the tax rate to consumer prices is strong in case of upward tax adjustments, especially when there are no demand restrictions, while the pass-through is weaker for tax reductions. The frequency of price changes peaks at the moment of VAT adjustment, which, however, is partially compensated by lower average size of price revisions. The level of pass-through exhibits a high degree of heterogeneity with higher pass-through for goods, especially food, and lower for services.

JEL classification: C24, D40, E31, H20

APA: Beņkovskis, K., Fadejeva, L. (2024, 06. nov.). The Effect of VAT Rate on Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Evidence from CPI Micro Data. Taken from https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2593
MLA: Beņkovskis, Konstantīns. Fadejeva, Ludmila. "The Effect of VAT Rate on Price Setting Behaviour in Latvia: Evidence from CPI Micro Data" www.macroeconomics.lv. Tīmeklis. 06.11.2024. <https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/2593>.

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