Riga provides greater job opportunities; in the regions entrepreneurs more often select applicants among unemployed registered in State Employment Agency (NVA)
Registered unemployment continued to drop reaching the lowest level in the last two years (12.1% of the economically active population). Thus, the overall drop in registered unemployment has already exceeded 5 percentage points since its peak in March 2010. The rate at which unemployment drops will be increasingly determined by the Latvia's success in reducing structural unemployment, making use of active labour market policy measures, including professional training of jobseekers.
According to the firm's survey conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSP), about two thirds of the occupied posts and 80% of the job vacancies arelocated in the Riga region. Thus there are greater opportunities for work in Riga and its surrounding areas: the percentage of unfilled vacancies in the total of jobs is higher here than in other regions. At the contrary, among the vacancies in the NVA registers, which, at the end of July 2011 exceeded 4 thousand, only about 60% are in the Riga region. That may be an indication that in the regions outside Riga entrepreneurs are more active in seeking employees among the unemployed registered in NVA.
According to the CSP labour force survey data, the Riga region accounts for only one half of the employed. The firm's survey data, however, are probably closer to reality: several of those employed in Riga and its environs have declared other regions as their residences, which may serve to explain the substantial differences in employment in the regional breakdown between two sources of statistical data.
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