
Research Seminars of Latvijas Banka 2022

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Several times a year, Latvijas Banka holds research seminars. They are mostly intended for enhancing the professional skills of our employees, but other interested parties are also welcome.  

If you would like to receive information about the latest research seminars of Latvijas Banka, please write to: redaktors@makroekonomika.lv.

Research Seminars of Latvijas Banka in 2022

January 28
"Does Inflation- Targeting matter?"
- Theodoros Panagiotidis, University of Macedonia (Greece), University of Liverpool (UK) , RCEA (Italy)

February 23
"Exuberant and Uninformed: How Financial Markets (Mis-)Allocate Capital During Booms"
- Ilja Kantorovitch, EPFL (Switzerland)

March 29
"Supply or Demand: What Drives Fluctuations in the Bank Loan Market?"
- Carlo Altavilla (ECB)

April 1
"Climate Actions, Market Beliefs, and Monetary Policy"
- Francesca Diluiso (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Germany)

April 28
"Market-stabilization QE” 
- Roberto Motto (ECB)

May 5
"Fiscal multipliers in the COVID-19 recession"
- Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California, USA)

September 22
"Firm Heterogeneity, Capital Misallocation and Optimal Monetary Policy"
- Galo Nuño (Head of Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Analysis Division at Bank of Spain; Research Fellow at CESifo, Spain)

September 23
"Endogenous Technology, Scarring and Fiscal Policy"
- Michaela Elfsbacka Schmöller (Bank of Finland)

November 4
"Announcement and Implementation Effects of Central Bank Asset Purchases"
- Marco Bernardini (Banca d'Italia) 

APA: (2024, 27. jul.). Research Seminars of Latvijas Banka 2022. Taken from https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/5501
MLA: "Research Seminars of Latvijas Banka 2022" www.macroeconomics.lv. Tīmeklis. 27.07.2024. <https://www.macroeconomics.lv/node/5501>.

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